The demonstrator’s bags originated from the clear backpacks people were asked to carry at the Women’s March on Washington in 2017. In this work, the clear bag serves as a metaphor—a container for the hidden stories of women’s lives.

Demonstrator's Bags
Mixed media on Dura-Lar, chenille stems,
30" x 64" x 5"
Demonstrator's Bag: Untold Stories
Mixed media on Dura-Lar, chenille stems
60"h x 50"w x 24"d
Demonstrator's Bag: Untold Stories, 2019

Demonstrator’s Bags: Untold Stories was an outdoor performance. The bag was filled with people’s responses to questions about femininity that were written on pieces of paper, rolled up and put in the bag.

Demonstrator's Bag: Untold Stories
Mixed media on Dura-Lar, chenille stems
105 x 40 x 24"
Demonstrator's Bag: Untold Stories, detail
Mixed media on Dura-Lar, chenille stems
105 x 40 x 24"
Demonstraor's Bag: Written Stories
Mixed media on Dura-Lar, chenille stems
105 x 40 x 24"
Demonstraor's Bag: Written Stories. detail
Mixed media on Dura-Lar, chenille stems
105 x 40 x 24"
Demonstrator's Bag: Twill
Mixed media on Dura-Lar, chenille stems
105 x 40 x 24"
Demonstrator's Bag: Twill, detail
Mixed media on Dura-Lar, chenille stems
105 x 40 x 20"